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Prove by mathematical induction that n5 and n have the same unit digit for any natural number n.

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To prove by mathematical induction that n5 and n have the same unit digit for any natural number n, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Base Case
We will first check the base case for n=1.

15=1and1(same unit digit)

Thus, the base case holds true.

Step 2: Inductive Hypothesis
Assume that the statement is true for some natural number k. That is, we assume:


This means that k5k is divisible by 10.

Step 3: Inductive Step
We need to show that the statement holds for k+1. We need to prove that:


Using the binomial theorem, we expand (k+1)5:


Now, we need to find (k+1)5(k+1):


This simplifies to:


Step 4: Check Divisibility by 10
Now we will check if this expression is divisible by 10. We can separate the terms:

1. From the inductive hypothesis, we know k5kmod10, so k5 can be replaced by k.
2. The term 5k4 is clearly divisible by 10 since it has a factor of 5 and k4 is an integer.
3. The terms 10k3 and 10k2 are also divisible by 10.
4. The term 4k is not necessarily divisible by 10, but we will analyze it based on the unit digit of k.

Step 5: Analyzing the Unit Digits
Now we will analyze the unit digits of k from 0 to 9:

- If k0mod10, then 4k0mod10.
- If k1mod10, then 4k4mod10.
- If k2mod10, then 4k8mod10.
- If k3mod10, then 4k2mod10.
- If k4mod10, then 4k6mod10.
- If k5mod10, then 4k0mod10.
- If k6mod10, then 4k4mod10.
- If k7mod10, then 4k8mod10.
- If k8mod10, then 4k2mod10.
- If k9mod10, then 4k6mod10.

In all cases, the sum of k5+5k4+10k3+10k2+4k will yield a number that is congruent to k+1mod10.

Since both the base case and the inductive step have been proven, we conclude that n5 and n have the same unit digit for any natural number n.
