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Number of real solutions of the equation x2+(xx1)2=8 are a. 3 b. 4 c. 6 d. 0

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To find the number of real solutions for the equation x2+(xx1)2=8, we will solve it step by step.

Step 1: Rewrite the equation
We start with the equation:

Step 2: Substitute t
Let t=xx1. Then we can express x in terms of t:

Step 3: Substitute back into the equation
Now, substituting t into the original equation gives:
Substituting x=t1t into x2:

Step 4: Combine the terms
Multiply through by (1t)2 to eliminate the denominator:
Expanding gives:
Combine like terms:

Step 5: Solve the polynomial
We need to find the roots of the polynomial t42t35t2+16t8=0. We can use the Rational Root Theorem or synthetic division to find possible rational roots.

Step 6: Factor the polynomial
After testing possible rational roots, we find that t=2 is a root. We can factor the polynomial:

Step 7: Analyze the cubic polynomial
Now we need to analyze the cubic polynomial t3+t+4=0. We can use the derivative to find the number of real roots:
Since f(t)>0 for all t, the cubic polynomial is strictly increasing and can have at most one real root.

Step 8: Count the solutions
Since we have one real root from the cubic polynomial and one real root from t=2, we have:
- 2 real solutions for t.

Step 9: Find corresponding x values
For each t value, we can find corresponding x values using x=tt1. Each t will give a unique x.

Thus, the total number of real solutions to the original equation is 4.

Final Answer
The number of real solutions of the equation is 4.
