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Naked Ape is


Homo sapiens


Simia pygmaeous




Pan satyrus.

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The correct Answer is:A

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Term "Naked Ape": The term "Naked Ape" refers to a specific species of primate that has very little body hair compared to other apes.

2. Identifying the Naked Ape: Among the various species of apes, the one that is commonly referred to as the "Naked Ape" is Homo sapiens, which is the scientific name for modern humans.

3. Comparison with Other Apes: Other apes, such as gorillas, orangutans (Simia pygmaeus), and other species, have a significant amount of body hair. In contrast, Homo sapiens have much less body hair, which is a characteristic feature.

4. Evolutionary Perspective: The reduction of body hair in Homo sapiens is believed to be a result of evolutionary changes. Over time, as humans evolved, they lost much of their body hair, which is why they are referred to as "naked."

5. Brain Capacity: In addition to the physical characteristics, Homo sapiens are noted for having a large brain capacity, averaging around 1300 cc, which is higher than most other primates, except for Neanderthals, which had a slightly larger brain capacity.

6. Conclusion: Based on the information provided, the correct answer to the question "Naked Ape is" is Homo sapiens.

Final Answer: Naked Ape is Homo sapiens.

