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Let A = { 3 , 5 } a n d   B = { 7 , 11 } . Let R = { ( a , b ) : a A ,   b b ,   a - b is odd } . Show that R is an empty relation from A and B.

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To show that the relation R is an empty relation from sets A and B, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Define the sets and the relation
Let A={3,5} and B={7,11}. The relation R is defined as:
R={(a,b):aA,bB,ab is odd}

Step 2: Identify the elements of sets A and B
The elements of set A are:
- 3 (odd)
- 5 (odd)

The elements of set B are:
- 7 (odd)
- 11 (odd)

Step 3: Analyze the condition ab for all combinations
We will check the difference ab for all combinations of a from set A and b from set B:

1. For a=3 and b=7:

2. For a=3 and b=11:

3. For a=5 and b=7:

4. For a=5 and b=11:

Step 4: Conclusion about the relation R
From the calculations above, we see that in all cases, ab results in an even number. Since the condition for the relation R is that ab must be odd, and we have found that ab is always even, we conclude that there are no pairs (a,b) that satisfy the condition.

Thus, the relation R is empty:

Final Answer
Therefore, R is an empty relation from A and B.

