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Let a function f:XY is defined where X={0,1,2,3,.,9}, Y={0,1,2,..,100} and f(5)=5, then the probability that the function of type f:XB where BY is of bijective nature is









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The correct Answer is:D

To solve the problem, we need to determine the probability that the function f:XB is bijective, given the sets X and Y, and the condition f(5)=5.

1. Define the Sets:
- Let X={0,1,2,3,,9} which has 10 elements.
- Let Y={0,1,2,,100} which has 101 elements.
- Since f(5)=5, the element 5 is already mapped to itself.

2. Define Set B:
- Let B be a subset of Y that includes the element 5. The cardinality of B is denoted as r (where r can range from 1 to 101).

3. Choosing Elements for Set B:
- Since 5 is already included in B, we need to select r1 additional elements from the remaining 100 elements in Y (i.e., from Y{5}).
- The number of ways to choose r1 elements from 100 elements is given by (100r1).

4. Counting Functions from X to B:
- Once B is chosen, we need to determine the number of functions from X to B.
- Since f(5)=5 is fixed, we have 9 remaining elements in X that can map to any of the r elements in B.
- Thus, the number of ways to define the function f is r9.

5. Total Number of Functions:
- The total number of functions f:XB is then given by:

6. Counting Bijections:
- For f to be a bijection, we need to select r elements from Y and arrange them.
- Since 5 is already assigned to itself, we need to choose 9 more elements from the remaining 100 elements in Y (excluding 5).
- The number of ways to choose 9 elements from 100 is (1009).
- The number of ways to arrange these 9 elements is 9!.
- Therefore, the total number of bijections is:

7. Calculating the Probability:
- The probability P that the function f is bijective is given by the ratio of the number of bijections to the total number of functions:

Final Answer:
The final expression for the probability that the function f is bijective is:
