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It is known that f(x) is an odd function in the interval [p2,p2] and has a period p, Prove that xaf(t)dt is also periodic function with the same period.

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To prove that the integral F(x)=xaf(t)dt is a periodic function with period p, given that f(x) is an odd function in the interval (p2,p2) and has a period p, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the properties of the function f(x)
Since f(x) is an odd function, we have:
for all t in the interval (p2,p2). Additionally, since f(x) is periodic with period p, we have:
for all x.

Step 2: Define the integral F(x)
We define the function:

Step 3: Evaluate F(x+p)
To show that F(x) is periodic with period p, we need to compute F(x+p):
We can split this integral into two parts:
The first part is simply F(x):

Step 4: Change of variable in the second integral
Now, we will perform a change of variable in the second integral. Let u=tx, then dt=du and when t=x, u=0 and when t=x+p, u=p:
Using the periodic property of f:
f(u + x) = f(x + u) = f(x) \quad \text{(since f is periodic)}
Thus, we have:

Step 5: Evaluate the integral p0f(t)dt
Since f(t) is an odd function, we can evaluate:
This implies that:

Step 6: Conclude that F(x+p)=F(x)
Putting everything together, we find:
Thus, we have shown that:
which means F(x) is periodic with period p.

Therefore, we conclude that the integral F(x)=xaf(t)dt is a periodic function with the same period p.

