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Is 216 a perfect cube? What is that number whose cube is 216?

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To determine if 216 is a perfect cube and to find the number whose cube is 216, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Factorize 216
We start by finding the prime factors of 216.

- The smallest factor of 216 is 2.
- Dividing 216 by 2 gives us 108.


- Next, we factor 108. The smallest factor is again 2.
- Dividing 108 by 2 gives us 54.


- Now, we factor 54. The smallest factor is 2.
- Dividing 54 by 2 gives us 27.


- Next, we factor 27. The smallest factor is 3.
- Dividing 27 by 3 gives us 9.


- Finally, we factor 9. The smallest factor is 3.
- Dividing 9 by 3 gives us 3.


- Thus, we can write the complete factorization of 216 as:


Step 2: Group the Factors
Now we can group the factors into sets of three:

- We have three 2's: 2×2×2
- We have three 3's: 3×3×3

Step 3: Check for Perfect Cube
Since we can group all the factors into sets of three without leaving any out, we conclude that 216 is a perfect cube.

Step 4: Find the Cube Root
To find the cube root of 216, we take one number from each group:

- From the group of 2's, we take one 2.
- From the group of 3's, we take one 3.

Now we multiply these together:


Thus, the cube root of 216 is 6, and we can say:

- Yes, 216 is a perfect cube.
- The number whose cube is 216 is 6.

