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The correct Answer is:14log|x+2|+74log|x2|+c

To solve the integral 2x+3(x+2)(x2)dx, we will use the method of partial fractions. Here’s the step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Set up the partial fraction decomposition
We can express the integrand as:
where A and B are constants to be determined.

Hint: Start by identifying the form of the partial fraction decomposition.

Step 2: Combine the right-hand side
Multiplying both sides by the denominator (x+2)(x2) gives:

Hint: Ensure that you multiply through by the common denominator to eliminate the fractions.

Step 3: Expand and rearrange
Expanding the right-hand side:
Combining like terms:

Hint: Group the terms by their degree (linear and constant).

Step 4: Set up equations for coefficients
By comparing coefficients from both sides, we get the following system of equations:
1. A+B=2 (coefficient of x)
2. 2B2A=3 (constant term)

Hint: Write down equations based on the coefficients of x and the constant terms.

Step 5: Solve the system of equations
From the first equation, we can express B in terms of A:
Substituting into the second equation:
This simplifies to:
Now substituting A back to find B:

Hint: Substitute back to find the second variable after determining the first.

Step 6: Rewrite the integral
Now we can rewrite the integral:

Hint: Substitute the values of A and B back into the integral.

Step 7: Integrate each term
Now we can integrate term by term:

Hint: Remember to apply the logarithmic integration rule.

Final Answer
Thus, the final result is:

Hint: Don’t forget to include the constant of integration C at the end.
