Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

If |z1|+|z+3|8, then the maximum, value of |z4|is=

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To solve the problem, we need to find the maximum value of |z4| given the condition |z1|+|z+3|8.

1. Understanding the Given Inequality:
The inequality |z1|+|z+3|8 represents a region in the complex plane. It describes the set of points z such that the total distance from the point z to the points 1 and 3 is at most 8.

2. Geometric Interpretation:
The points 1 and 3 can be considered as two fixed points on the real line. The inequality describes an ellipse with foci at these points, where the sum of the distances from any point on the ellipse to the two foci is constant (in this case, 8).

3. Finding the Center and Major Axis:
The center of the ellipse is at the midpoint of 1 and 3:
The distance between the foci is |1(3)|=4, and the semi-major axis a can be found using the relationship 2a=8 (the total distance):
The semi-minor axis b can be calculated using the relationship c2=a2b2, where c is half the distance between the foci:

4. Finding Maximum Distance from Point 4:
We want to maximize |z4|. The maximum distance from point 4 to the ellipse occurs at the point on the ellipse that is farthest from 4. The center of the ellipse is at 1, and the point 4 is to the right of this center.

5. Calculating the Maximum Distance:
The maximum distance from the center 1 to 4 is:
To find the maximum value of |z4|, we add the semi-major axis a to this distance:
Maximum |z4|=5+4=9

Thus, the maximum value of |z4| is 9.
