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If the numbers 296, 436 and 542 divided by a positive number p leaving the remainder 7, 11 and 15 respectively, then find the largest value of p .

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To solve the problem, we need to find the largest prime number p such that when the numbers 296, 436, and 542 are divided by p, they leave remainders of 7, 11, and 15 respectively.

Step 1: Set up the equations
We can express the conditions given in the problem as equations:
- For 296: 2967modp which implies 2967=289 is divisible by p.
- For 436: 43611modp which implies 43611=425 is divisible by p.
- For 542: 54215modp which implies 54215=527 is divisible by p.

Thus, we have:
1. 2890modp
2. 4250modp
3. 5270modp

Step 2: Factor the differences
Now we need to find the prime factors of 289, 425, and 527.

- For 289:

- For 425:

- For 527:

Step 3: Identify common factors
Now we can see that all three numbers share a common factor of 17:
- 289=172
- 425=52×17
- 527=17×31

Step 4: Determine the largest prime factor
The largest prime factor common to all three numbers is 17.

Therefore, the largest value of p that satisfies the conditions of the problem is:
