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If the letters of the word 'AGAIN' be arreanged in a dicitonary ,what is the fiftieth word?

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To find the 50th word formed by arranging the letters of the word "AGAIN" in alphabetical order, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: List the letters in alphabetical order
The letters in "AGAIN" are A, A, G, I, N. Arranging them in alphabetical order gives us: A, A, G, I, N.

Step 2: Calculate the number of arrangements starting with 'A'
When we start with 'A', we have the remaining letters: A, G, I, N. The number of arrangements of these letters can be calculated using the formula for permutations of multiset:

Number of arrangements=4!2!=242=12

So, there are 12 words starting with 'A'.

Step 3: Calculate the number of arrangements starting with 'G'
Next, we consider words starting with 'G'. The remaining letters are A, A, I, N. The number of arrangements is:

Number of arrangements=4!2!=242=12

Now, we have 12 (starting with 'A') + 12 (starting with 'G') = 24 words.

Step 4: Calculate the number of arrangements starting with 'I'
Next, we consider words starting with 'I'. The remaining letters are A, A, G, N. The number of arrangements is:

Number of arrangements=4!2!=242=12

Now, we have 24 (starting with 'A' and 'G') + 12 (starting with 'I') = 36 words.

Step 5: Calculate the number of arrangements starting with 'N'
Next, we consider words starting with 'N'. The remaining letters are A, A, G, I. The number of arrangements is:

Number of arrangements=4!2!=242=12

Now, we have 36 (starting with 'A', 'G', and 'I') + 12 (starting with 'N') = 48 words.

Step 6: Identify the 49th and 50th words
Since we have 48 words starting with 'A', 'G', and 'I', the next words will start with 'N'. The 49th word will be the first arrangement starting with 'N', which is N, A, A, G, I.

To find the 50th word, we need to find the next arrangement after N, A, A, G, I. The next arrangement can be obtained by swapping the last two letters:

- 49th word: N, A, A, G, I
- 50th word: N, A, A, I, G

Final Answer
Thus, the 50th word in the dictionary arrangement of the letters of "AGAIN" is NAAIG.


Updated on:7/8/2024

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