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If the 8-digit number 789x531y is divisible by 72, then the value of (5x - 3y) is:
यदि आठ अंकों की संख्या 789x531y 72 से विभाज्य है, तो (5x - 3y) का मान ज्ञात करें |









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To find the value of 5x3y given that the 8-digit number 789x531y is divisible by 72, we need to ensure that it meets the divisibility rules for both 8 and 9, since 72=8×9.

Step 1: Check divisibility by 8
A number is divisible by 8 if its last three digits form a number that is divisible by 8. The last three digits of our number are 31y.

We can express this as:

We will check for values of y from 0 to 9 to find when 310+y is divisible by 8.

- For y=0: 310+0=310 (not divisible by 8)
- For y=1: 310+1=311 (not divisible by 8)
- For y=2: 310+2=312 (divisible by 8, since 312÷8=39)
- For y=3: 310+3=313 (not divisible by 8)
- For y=4: 310+4=314 (not divisible by 8)
- For y=5: 310+5=315 (not divisible by 8)
- For y=6: 310+6=316 (not divisible by 8)
- For y=7: 310+7=317 (not divisible by 8)
- For y=8: 310+8=318 (not divisible by 8)
- For y=9: 310+9=319 (not divisible by 8)

The only value of y that makes 31y divisible by 8 is y=2.

Step 2: Check divisibility by 9
A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9. The sum of the digits of 789x531y is:

Substituting y=2:

We need 35+x to be divisible by 9. We can check for values of x from 0 to 9:

- For x=0: 35+0=35 (not divisible by 9)
- For x=1: 35+1=36 (divisible by 9, since 36÷9=4)
- For x=2: 35+2=37 (not divisible by 9)
- For x=3: 35+3=38 (not divisible by 9)
- For x=4: 35+4=39 (divisible by 9, since 39÷9=4.33)
- For x=5: 35+5=40 (not divisible by 9)
- For x=6: 35+6=41 (not divisible by 9)
- For x=7: 35+7=42 (divisible by 9, since 42÷9=4.67)
- For x=8: 35+8=43 (not divisible by 9)
- For x=9: 35+9=44 (not divisible by 9)

The possible values of x that make 35+x divisible by 9 are x=1 and x=4.

Step 3: Calculate 5x3y
Now we can calculate 5x3y for both values of x:

1. For x=1 and y=2:

2. For x=4 and y=2:

The possible values of 5x3y are 1 and 14. However, since the question asks for the value of 5x3y when 789x531y is divisible by 72, we take the first valid solution:

Final answer: 1

Updated on:7/8/2024

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