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If mandn(n>m) are positive integers, then find the number of solutions of the equation n|sinx|=m|cosx|forx[0,2π]. Also find the solution.

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To solve the equation n|sinx|=m|cosx| for x in the interval (0,2π), where n and m are positive integers and n>m, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the equation
We start with the equation:
Dividing both sides by |cosx| (assuming cosx0), we get:
This simplifies to:

Step 2: Analyze the tangent function
The tangent function has a periodicity of π. Therefore, we can find the general solutions for x based on the value of tanx:
x=tan1(mn)+kπfor kZ

Step 3: Find specific solutions in the interval (0,2π)
Now, we need to find the specific values of x within the interval (0,2π):

1. For k=0:

2. For k=1:

3. For k=1:
x3=tan1(mn)π(not in the interval)

4. For k=2:
x4=tan1(mn)+2π(not in the interval)

Thus, the two valid solutions in the interval (0,2π) are:

Step 4: Consider the absolute values
Since we have |sinx| and |cosx|, we must consider the cases where sinx and cosx can be negative. The solutions will still hold because the tangent function is defined for all quadrants.

The total number of solutions in the interval (0,2π) is 4, considering the symmetry of the sine and cosine functions:
1. x1=tan1(mn)
2. x2=tan1(mn)+π
3. x3=πtan1(mn)
4. x4=2πtan1(mn)
