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if m belongs to [1,0], then prove that the equation sin4x+(m+1)sin2x+m=0 is satisfied by all real values of x.

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To prove that the equation sin4x+(m+1)sin2x+m=0 is satisfied by all real values of x for m(1,0), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Substitute y=sin2x
Let y=sin2x. The equation then becomes:
where y varies from 0 to 1 since sin2x can take values in this range.

Step 2: Analyze the quadratic equation
The equation y2+(m+1)y+m=0 is a quadratic equation in y. For this quadratic equation to have real roots, the discriminant must be non-negative.

Step 3: Calculate the discriminant
The discriminant D of the quadratic equation ay2+by+c=0 is given by:
In our case:
- a=1
- b=m+1
- c=m

Thus, the discriminant becomes:

Step 4: Analyze the discriminant
Since (m1)2 is a perfect square, it is always non-negative. Therefore, the quadratic equation has real roots for all m.

Step 5: Find the roots
The roots of the quadratic equation can be found using the quadratic formula:
Substituting the values:
This gives us two cases for the roots:
1. y1=m1+m12=22=1
2. y2=m1(m1)2=2m2=m

Step 6: Analyze the roots
1. The root y1=1 is not valid since y must be in the range (0,1).
2. The root y2=m. Since m is in the interval (1,0), m will be in the interval (0,1).

Since y=sin2x can take the value m which lies in the interval (0,1), the equation sin4x+(m+1)sin2x+m=0 is satisfied for all real values of x.

Thus, we have proved that the equation holds true for all x when m(1,0).
