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If a 10-digit number 7220x558y2 is divisible by 88, then the value of (5x + 5y) is:
अगर दस अंकों की एक संख्या 7220x558y2, 88 से विभाज्य है तो (5x + 5y) का मान होगा:









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To solve the problem, we need to determine the values of x and y such that the 10-digit number 7220x558y2 is divisible by 88. A number is divisible by 88 if it is divisible by both 8 and 11.

Step 1: Check divisibility by 8
To check if the number is divisible by 8, we need to look at the last three digits of the number, which are 8y2. A number is divisible by 8 if the number formed by its last three digits is divisible by 8.

We can express this as:

Now we will check for values of y from 0 to 9 to find when 8y2 is divisible by 8.

- For y=0: 802÷8=100.25 (not divisible)
- For y=1: 812÷8=101.5 (not divisible)
- For y=2: 822÷8=102.75 (not divisible)
- For y=3: 832÷8=104 (divisible)
- For y=4: 842÷8=105.25 (not divisible)
- For y=5: 852÷8=106.5 (not divisible)
- For y=6: 862÷8=107.75 (not divisible)
- For y=7: 872÷8=109 (divisible)
- For y=8: 882÷8=110.25 (not divisible)
- For y=9: 892÷8=111.5 (not divisible)

Thus, y can be 3 or 7 for the number to be divisible by 8.

Step 2: Check divisibility by 11
Next, we need to check the divisibility by 11. The rule for divisibility by 11 states that the difference between the sum of the digits in odd positions and the sum of the digits in even positions must be either 0 or a multiple of 11.

The digits of the number 7220x558y2 are positioned as follows:
- Odd positions: 7,2,0,5,y (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th)
- Even positions: 2,2,x,8,2 (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th)

Calculating the sums:
- Sum of odd positions: 7+2+0+5+y=14+y
- Sum of even positions: 2+2+x+8+2=14+x

Now we find the difference:

For divisibility by 11, yx must be 0 or a multiple of 11.

Step 3: Solve for x and y
1. If y=3:
(not valid since x cannot be 3)

2. If y=7:
(not valid since x cannot be 7)

So we check the valid combinations:
- If y=3 and x=0:
30=3(not a multiple of 11)
- If y=3 and x=1:
31=2(not a multiple of 11)
- If y=3 and x=2:
32=1(not a multiple of 11)
- If y=3 and x=3:

Thus, x=0 and y=3 are valid.

Step 4: Calculate 5x+5y
Now we can calculate:

Final Answer
The value of 5x+5y is 15.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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