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IF (1+x)p=3+83+8033+24034+.,then(1+x)p=

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To solve the problem, we need to find the value of (1+x)p given the series:


Step 1: Identify the Pattern in the Series
The series can be rewritten in a more general form. We observe the coefficients: 3,83,8033,24034.

Step 2: Generalize the Coefficients
Let's denote the n-th term of the series as an. We can see that:
- The first term a0=3
- The second term a1=83
- The third term a2=8033
- The fourth term a3=24034

From the pattern, we can deduce that the coefficients seem to be related to factorials or powers of integers.

Step 3: Relate the Series to Binomial Expansion
We know that the binomial expansion of (1+x)p is given by:


Step 4: Compare Coefficients
We will compare the coefficients of the series with the coefficients from the binomial expansion.

1. The constant term gives us:
1=3(not useful)

2. The coefficient of x gives:
p=2(from the term px=2)

3. The coefficient of x2 gives:

Substituting p=2:
2(21)2=1(not matching)

Step 5: Find the Correct p Value
We need to find p such that:
This leads to the quadratic equation:

Step 6: Solve the Quadratic Equation
Using the quadratic formula:
Calculating the discriminant:

Step 7: Substitute Back to Find (1+x)p
Using the value of p we can now find:

Final Answer
Thus, the value of (1+x)p is:

