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If (1+x)n=C0+C1x+C2x2+..+Cnxn, show that C01.2C12.3+C23.4C34.5+..+(1)nCn(n+1)(n+2)=1n+2

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To solve the problem, we need to show that


where (1+x)n=C0+C1x+C2x2++Cnxn.

Step 1: Integrate Both Sides
We start by integrating both sides of the binomial expansion with respect to x:


Step 2: Calculate the Left Side
The left side becomes:


where A is the constant of integration.

Step 3: Calculate the Right Side
The right side becomes:


Step 4: Set Up the Equation
Equating both sides gives us:


Step 5: Find the Constant A
To find A, we can substitute x=0:


This gives us:


Step 6: Substitute A Back
Now substituting A back into our equation:


Step 7: Differentiate Both Sides
Next, we differentiate both sides with respect to x:


Step 8: Evaluate at x=1
Now we evaluate at x=1:


This simplifies to:


Step 9: Rearranging the Terms
Now we rearrange the terms to match the original expression we want to prove:


Thus, we have shown that:

