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How many words can be formed from the letters of the word CIRCUMFERENCE.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the number of distinct words that can be formed from the letters of the word "CIRCUMFERENCE", we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Count the total number of letters
The word "CIRCUMFERENCE" consists of 13 letters.

Step 2: Identify the frequency of each letter
Next, we need to determine how many times each letter appears in the word:
- C: 3 times
- I: 1 time
- R: 2 times
- U: 1 time
- M: 1 time
- F: 1 time
- E: 2 times
- N: 1 time

Step 3: Use the formula for permutations of multiset
The formula for the number of distinct permutations of a multiset is given by:

Number of permutations=n!n1!×n2!×n3!×

where n is the total number of items, and n1,n2,n3, are the frequencies of the distinct items.

In our case:
- Total letters n=13
- Frequencies:
- C: 3
- I: 1
- R: 2
- U: 1
- M: 1
- F: 1
- E: 2
- N: 1

Step 4: Calculate the factorials
Now we can calculate the factorials:
- 13! (for the total letters)
- 3! (for C)
- 1! (for I)
- 2! (for R)
- 1! (for U)
- 1! (for M)
- 1! (for F)
- 2! (for E)
- 1! (for N)

Step 5: Substitute into the formula
Now we substitute these values into the formula:

Number of permutations=13!3!×1!×2!×1!×1!×1!×2!×1!

Step 6: Simplify the expression
Calculating the factorials:
- 13!=6227020800
- 3!=6
- 1!=1
- 2!=2

So, the denominator becomes:

Step 7: Final calculation
Now we can calculate the number of distinct arrangements:
Number of permutations=622702080024=259459200

Final Answer
Thus, the total number of distinct words that can be formed from the letters of the word "CIRCUMFERENCE" is 259459200.

