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Given that the number 148101a095 is divisible by 11, where a is some digit, what are the possible values of a ?

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To determine the possible values of the digit a in the number 148101a095 such that it is divisible by 11, we will use the divisibility rule for 11. Here are the steps to solve the problem:

Step 1: Identify the digits in the number
The number is 148101a095. The digits in the number are:
- Odd positioned digits: 1,8,0,a,9
- Even positioned digits: 4,1,1,0,5

Step 2: Calculate the sum of the odd positioned digits
The sum of the odd positioned digits is:

Step 3: Calculate the sum of the even positioned digits
The sum of the even positioned digits is:

Step 4: Find the difference between the two sums
According to the divisibility rule of 11, the difference between the sum of the odd positioned digits and the sum of the even positioned digits should be either 0 or a multiple of 11. Thus, we calculate:

Step 5: Set up the equations based on the divisibility rule
We need to find a such that:
1. a+7=0
2. a+7=11

Step 6: Solve the equations
1. From a+7=0:
a=7(not a valid digit)
2. From a+7=11:

The only possible value for a that makes the number 148101a095 divisible by 11 is:
