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For any sets A,B,C,D prove that: (A×B)(C×D)=(AC)×(BD)

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To prove that (A×B)(C×D)=(AC)×(BD), we will show that each side is a subset of the other.

Step 1: Show that (A×B)(C×D)(AC)×(BD)

1. Let (x,y) be an arbitrary element of (A×B)(C×D).
2. By definition of intersection, this means that (x,y)(A×B) and (x,y)(C×D).
3. From (x,y)(A×B), we have xA and yB.
4. From (x,y)(C×D), we have xC and yD.
5. Therefore, xA and xC implies x(AC).
6. Similarly, yB and yD implies y(BD).
7. Hence, (x,y)(AC)×(BD).

Conclusion for Step 1: We have shown that (A×B)(C×D)(AC)×(BD).

Step 2: Show that (AC)×(BD)(A×B)(C×D)

1. Let (x,y) be an arbitrary element of (AC)×(BD).
2. By definition of Cartesian product, this means that x(AC) and y(BD).
3. From x(AC), we have xA and xC.
4. From y(BD), we have yB and yD.
5. Therefore, (x,y)(A×B) since xA and yB.
6. Similarly, (x,y)(C×D) since xC and yD.
7. Hence, (x,y)(A×B)(C×D).

Conclusion for Step 2: We have shown that (AC)×(BD)(A×B)(C×D).

Final Conclusion:

Since we have shown both:
1. (A×B)(C×D)(AC)×(BD)
2. (AC)×(BD)(A×B)(C×D)

We can conclude that:
This completes the proof.
