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Find two irrational numbers between 17 and 27.

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To find two irrational numbers between 17 and 27, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the fractions to decimal form
First, we need to convert 17 and 27 into decimal form to understand the range we are working with.

17=0.142857142857... (repeating)
27=0.285714285714... (repeating)

Step 2: Identify the range
Now we know that 17 is approximately 0.142857 and 27 is approximately 0.285714. The range we are looking at is between 0.142857 and 0.285714.

Step 3: Choose irrational numbers
We need to find two irrational numbers in this range. An example of an irrational number can be formed by taking a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal.

1. First irrational number: Let's take 0.15¯¯¯3 (which means 0.153333...). This number is non-terminating and non-repeating, thus it is irrational.

2. Second irrational number: Let's take 0.22¯¯¯6 (which means 0.226666...). This number is also non-terminating and non-repeating, thus it is irrational.

The two irrational numbers between 17 and 27 are:
- 0.153333...
- 0.226666...
