Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Find the total number of arrangements x3y2z4 of the letters in the expression  when written at full length.

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To find the total number of arrangements of the letters in the expression x3y2z4, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the total number of letters
The expression x3y2z4 means we have:
- 3 letters 'x'
- 2 letters 'y'
- 4 letters 'z'

To find the total number of letters, we add them up:
Total letters=3+2+4=9

Step 2: Use the formula for permutations of multiset
The formula for the number of arrangements of letters when there are repetitions is given by:
Number of arrangements=n!n1!×n2!×n3!
- n is the total number of letters,
- n1, n2, and n3 are the frequencies of each distinct letter.

In our case:
- n=9 (total letters),
- n1=3 (for 'x'),
- n2=2 (for 'y'),
- n3=4 (for 'z').

Step 3: Substitute the values into the formula
Now we can substitute the values into the formula:
Number of arrangements=9!3!×2!×4!

Step 4: Calculate the factorials
Now we need to calculate the factorials:
- 9!=362880
- 3!=6
- 2!=2
- 4!=24

Step 5: Substitute the factorial values into the equation
Now substitute these values back into the formula:
Number of arrangements=3628806×2×24

Step 6: Calculate the denominator
Calculate the denominator:

Step 7: Final calculation
Now divide 362880 by 288:
Number of arrangements=362880288=1260

Thus, the total number of arrangements of the letters in the expression x3y2z4 is 1260.

