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Find the range of each of the following functions: f(x)=|x3|

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the range of the given functions, we will analyze each function step by step.

Function 1: f(x)=|x3|

1. Understanding the function: The function f(x)=|x3| represents the absolute value of x3. This means it measures the distance of x from 3 on the number line.

2. Finding the minimum value: The absolute value function is always non-negative. The minimum value occurs when x=3:

3. Finding the maximum value: As x moves away from 3 in either direction (to the left or right), f(x) increases without bound. Therefore, there is no upper limit to the values f(x) can take.

4. Conclusion: The range of f(x)=|x3| is:

Function 2: f(x)=1|x2|

1. Understanding the function: The function f(x)=1|x2| is a transformation of the absolute value function.

2. Finding the maximum value: The maximum value occurs when |x2| is minimized, which happens at x=2:

3. Finding the minimum value: As |x2| increases (as x moves away from 2), f(x) decreases. The minimum value occurs as |x2| approaches infinity:

4. Conclusion: The range of f(x)=1|x2| is:

Function 3: f(x)=|x4|x4

1. Understanding the function: This function can be analyzed based on the value of x relative to 4.

2. Case 1: If x>4:

3. Case 2: If x<4:

4. Case 3: If x=4: The function is undefined because the denominator becomes zero.

5. Conclusion: The function can only take two values based on the cases:
Range of f(x)={1,1}

Summary of Ranges
- For f(x)=|x3|, the range is (0,).
- For f(x)=1|x2|, the range is (,1).
- For f(x)=|x4|x4, the range is {1,1}.
