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Find the number whose 12 1 2 % is 64.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the number whose 1212% is 64, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed fraction percentage to an improper fraction
First, we need to convert 1212% into an improper fraction.


Step 2: Write the equation
Let the required number be x. According to the question, we have:

252% of x=64

Step 3: Convert percentage to a decimal
To express the percentage in decimal form, we divide by 100:


Step 4: Set up the equation
Now we can rewrite the equation:


Step 5: Solve for x
To find x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 8:


Step 6: Calculate the value of x
Now, we perform the multiplication:


Final Answer
The number whose 1212% is 64 is 512.

