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Find the domain of f(x)=sin1x+cosx.

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To find the domain of the function f(x)=sin1(x)+cos(x), we will analyze the domains of each component of the function separately.

Step 1: Determine the domain of sin1(x)

The inverse sine function, sin1(x), is defined for values of x in the interval (1,1). Therefore, the domain of sin1(x) is:

Hint: Remember that the range of the inverse sine function is limited to values between -1 and 1.

Step 2: Determine the domain of cos(x)

The cosine function, cos(x), is defined for all real numbers. Thus, the domain of cos(x) is:

Hint: The cosine function can take any real number as input, so its domain is all real numbers.

Step 3: Find the intersection of the domains

Since f(x) is a combination of sin1(x) and cos(x), the overall domain of f(x) will be the intersection of the domains of the two functions.

The domain of f(x) is:
Domain of f(x)=Domain of sin1(x)Domain of cos(x)
This means we need to find the intersection of (1,1) and (,).

Since (1,1) is a subset of (,), the intersection is simply:

Final Answer

Thus, the domain of the function f(x)=sin1(x)+cos(x) is:
