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Find the domain of following function: f(x)=1log(2x)+x+1

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The correct Answer is:[1,1)(1,2)

To find the domain of the function f(x)=1log(2x)+x+1, we need to consider the conditions under which each part of the function is defined.

Step 1: Analyze the logarithmic part
The logarithmic function log(2x) is defined only when its argument is positive, and it cannot be equal to zero since it is in the denominator of the fraction.

1. Condition for the logarithm to be defined:

2. Condition for the logarithm to be non-zero:

Step 2: Analyze the square root part
The square root function x+1 is defined when the expression inside the square root is non-negative.

3. Condition for the square root to be defined:

Step 3: Combine the conditions
Now we have three conditions to satisfy:
1. x<2
2. x1
3. x1

Step 4: Determine the domain
To find the domain, we combine these conditions:

- From x1 and x<2, we can say 1x<2.
- However, since x1, we need to exclude 1 from our interval.

Thus, the domain can be expressed in interval notation as:

Final Answer
The domain of the function f(x) is:

