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Find the domain and range of the following real functions:(i) f(x)=|x| (ii) f(x)=9x2

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To find the domain and range of the given functions, let's analyze each function step by step.

(i) Function: f(x)=|x|

Step 1: Determine the Domain
- The function f(x)=|x| involves the absolute value of x.
- There are no restrictions on x since the absolute value function is defined for all real numbers.
- Therefore, the domain of f(x) is:
Domain: xR

Step 2: Determine the Range
- The absolute value function |x| produces non-negative values (i.e., |x|0).
- Since f(x)=|x|, this means f(x) will always be non-positive (i.e., f(x)0).
- The maximum value occurs when x=0, giving f(0)=|0|=0.
- As |x| increases, f(x) decreases without bound.
- Therefore, the range of f(x) is:
Range: (,0)

(ii) Function: f(x)=9x2

Step 1: Determine the Domain
- The expression inside the square root, 9x2, must be non-negative for f(x) to be defined.
- Thus, we set up the inequality:
This simplifies to:
Taking square roots gives:
- Therefore, the domain of f(x) is:
Domain: (3,3)

Step 2: Determine the Range
- The function f(x)=9x2 represents the upper half of a circle with radius 3 centered at the origin.
- The maximum value occurs when x=0:
- The minimum value occurs at the endpoints x=3 and x=3:
- Therefore, the range of f(x) is:
Range: (0,3)

- For f(x)=|x|:
- Domain: xR
- Range: (,0)

- For f(x)=9x2:
- Domain: (3,3)
- Range: (0,3)
