Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Find the cubes of the following numbers : (i)7             (ii) 12               16

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To find the cubes of the numbers 7, 12, and 16, we will calculate each cube step by step.

Step 1: Calculate the cube of 7
The cube of a number n is calculated as n×n×n.

Cube of 7=7×7×7

Calculating step by step:
1. First, calculate 7×7:
2. Now, multiply the result by 7:

Thus, the cube of 7 is:
Cube of 7=343

Step 2: Calculate the cube of 12
We will use the column method for this two-digit number.

1. Let A=1 (the first digit) and B=2 (the second digit).
2. We will create four columns:
- A3
- 3A2B
- 3AB2
- B3

Now, calculate each column:
- A3=13=1
- 3A2B=3×12×2=6
- 3AB2=3×1×22=12
- B3=23=8

Now, we will arrange these values in the columns:
- A3=1
- 3A2B=6
- 3AB2=12
- B3=8

Now, we will add these values:
- Write down the unit digit of B3: 8
- Add the remaining values: 1+6+1=8 (carry over 1)
- Write down the unit digit of the next column: 7 (from 6+1)
- Add the remaining values: 1+1=2 (carry over 0)
- Write down the unit digit of the next column: 2
- Finally, write down the value of A3: 1

Thus, the cube of 12 is:
Cube of 12=1728

Step 3: Calculate the cube of 16
Again, we will use the column method.

1. Let A=1 and B=6.
2. Create four columns:
- A3
- 3A2B
- 3AB2
- B3

Now, calculate each column:
- A3=13=1
- 3A2B=3×12×6=18
- 3AB2=3×1×62=108
- B3=63=216

Now, we will arrange these values in the columns:
- A3=1
- 3A2B=18
- 3AB2=108
- B3=216

Now, we will add these values:
- Write down the unit digit of B3: 6
- Add the remaining values: 1+8+0+2=11 (carry over 1)
- Write down the unit digit of the next column: 9 (from 8+1)
- Add the remaining values: 1+1+0=2 (carry over 0)
- Write down the unit digit of the next column: 2
- Finally, write down the value of A3: 4

Thus, the cube of 16 is:
Cube of 16=4096

Final Results:
- Cube of 7 = 343
- Cube of 12 = 1728
- Cube of 16 = 4096
