Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Find the cube root of 1728 .

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the cube root of 1728, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Factorize 1728
We start by factorizing 1728 into its prime factors. We can do this by dividing 1728 by prime numbers.

1. Divide by 2:
- 1728÷2=864
- 864÷2=432
- 432÷2=216
- 216÷2=108
- 108÷2=54
- 54÷2=27

2. Now, 27 cannot be divided by 2, so we move to the next prime number, which is 3:
- 27÷3=9
- 9÷3=3
- 3÷3=1

So, the prime factorization of 1728 is:

Step 2: Group the Factors
Next, we group the factors in sets of three, since we are looking for the cube root.

- From 26, we can form 22 groups of 23:
- 23 can be grouped as 2×2×2 (2 from each group).
- From 33, we can form one group of 33:
- 33 can be grouped as 3×3×3 (1 from this group).

Step 3: Take One Factor from Each Group
Now, we take one factor from each group:
- From the 26 groups, we take 22=2.
- From the 33 group, we take 3.

Step 4: Multiply the Factors
Now we multiply these factors together:

Step 5: Conclusion
Thus, the cube root of 1728 is:
