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Find the angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock when the time is 7:20 AM.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock when the time is 7:20 AM, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the position of the minute hand
The minute hand moves 360 degrees in 60 minutes. Therefore, in 20 minutes, the angle covered by the minute hand can be calculated as follows:

Angle by minute hand=(360 degrees60 minutes)×20 minutes=120 degrees

Step 2: Determine the position of the hour hand
The hour hand moves 360 degrees in 12 hours, which is equivalent to 720 minutes. Therefore, the angle covered by the hour hand in 7 hours and 20 minutes can be calculated as follows:

1. Convert the total time into minutes:
Total minutes=(7 hours×60 minutes/hour)+20 minutes=420+20=440 minutes

2. Calculate the angle covered by the hour hand:
Angle by hour hand=(360 degrees720 minutes)×440 minutes=360×440720=220 degrees

Step 3: Calculate the angle between the minute hand and the hour hand
Now, we can find the angle between the two hands by taking the absolute difference between the angles calculated in Steps 1 and 2:

Angle between hands=|Angle by hour handAngle by minute hand|
=|220 degrees120 degrees|=|100 degrees|

Thus, the angle between the minute hand and the hour hand at 7:20 AM is 100 degrees.

