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(i) 4 (x+y)228y(x+y)+49y2
(ii) (2a+3b)2+2(2a+3b)(2a3b)+(2a3b)2

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Let's solve the given problems step by step.

(i) Factorize:

Step 1: Identify the structure of the expression.
The expression resembles a quadratic in terms of (x+y). We can rewrite it as:

Hint for Step 1: Look for a common factor or a structure that resembles a quadratic equation.

Step 2: Let z=(x+y).
Substituting z into the expression gives:

Hint for Step 2: Substituting variables can simplify the expression.

Step 3: Factor the quadratic expression.
The expression inside the brackets can be factored as:

Hint for Step 3: Look for two numbers that multiply to the last term and add to the middle term.

Step 4: Substitute back z=(x+y).
Thus, we have:

Step 5: Simplify the expression.
This simplifies to:

Final Factorization:

(ii) Factorize:

Step 1: Identify the structure of the expression.
This expression resembles the expansion of a binomial squared:
(A+B)2 where A=(2a+3b) and B=(2a3b).

Hint for Step 1: Look for patterns that match the square of a binomial.

Step 2: Recognize the formula.
Using the identity:
(A+B)2=A2+2AB+B2, we can rewrite the expression as:

Step 3: Combine like terms.
Combining gives:

Final Factorization:
Thus, the expression simplifies to:

Summary of Factorizations:
1. 4(x+y)228y(x+y)+49y2=(2(x52y))2
2. (2a+3b)2+2(2a+3b)(2a3b)+(2a3b)2=(4a)2
