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Explain the concept of congruence of figures with the help of certain examples.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

Step 1: Understanding Congruence
- Congruence refers to the relationship between two figures or objects that are identical in shape and size. This means that if you were to superimpose one figure over the other, they would match perfectly.

Step 2: Definition of Congruent Figures
- Two figures are said to be congruent if they can be made to coincide with each other through rotations, translations, or reflections. This means that all corresponding sides and angles are equal.

Step 3: Example 1 - Congruent Balls
- Consider two balls, Ball 1 and Ball 2. If both balls are of the same size and shape, they are congruent. For instance, if we divide each ball into four equal parts and fill two opposite parts, both balls will look exactly the same. Therefore, we can say that Ball 1 is congruent to Ball 2.

Step 4: Example 2 - Congruent Right Triangles
- Now, let’s take two right triangles. Each triangle has a right angle (90 degrees), and let’s assume both triangles have the same hypotenuse of 5 units, a perpendicular side of 3 units, and a base of 4 units. Since all corresponding sides and angles are equal, these two right triangles are also congruent.

Step 5: Conclusion
- In summary, congruence is a fundamental concept in geometry that helps us understand when two figures are identical in shape and size. Examples like congruent balls and right triangles illustrate this concept effectively.
