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Evaluate the following: cos1(cos10) (ii) tan1{tan(6)}

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To evaluate the expressions cos1(cos10) and tan1(tan(6)), we will follow a step-by-step approach.

Step 1: Evaluate cos1(cos10)

1. Understanding the Range of cos1:
The function cos1(x) returns values in the range (0,π).

2. Finding the Equivalent Angle:
Since 10 radians is greater than π (approximately 3.14), we need to find an equivalent angle within the range of (0,π).
We can use the periodicity of the cosine function:
for k such that 102πk falls within (0,π).

3. Calculating k:
We can find k by calculating:
Thus, we can try k=1:
This value is still greater than π, so we try k=2:
This value is less than 0, so we revert back to k=1.

4. Final Calculation:
Since 102π3.72 is still in the range, we can conclude:

Step 2: Evaluate tan1(tan(6))

1. Understanding the Range of tan1:
The function tan1(x) returns values in the range (π2,π2).

2. Finding the Equivalent Angle:
The tangent function is periodic with period π:
We need to find k such that 6+kπ falls within (π2,π2).

3. Calculating k:
We can try k=2:
This value is within the range (π2,π2).

4. Final Calculation:
Thus, we have:

Final Answers:
1. cos1(cos10)=102π
2. tan1(tan(6))=6+2π
