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Draw the graph of y=f(x)=x2x2+1.

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To draw the graph of the function y=f(x)=x2x2+1, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Analyze the function
We start by analyzing the function to understand its behavior. The function is a rational function, where the numerator is x2 and the denominator is x2+1.

Step 2: Find the domain
The denominator x2+1 is never zero for any real number x. Therefore, the domain of the function is all real numbers, (,).

Step 3: Find the critical points
To find the critical points, we need to differentiate the function. We will use the quotient rule:


Simplifying this gives:


Setting f(x)=0 gives us 2x=0, which implies x=0.

Step 4: Determine the nature of the critical point
To determine whether this critical point is a maximum or minimum, we can analyze the sign of f(x):
- For x<0, f(x)<0 (the function is decreasing).
- For x>0, f(x)>0 (the function is increasing).

Thus, x=0 is a local minimum.

Step 5: Calculate the value at the critical point
Now we calculate f(0):


Step 6: Find the horizontal asymptote
Next, we find the horizontal asymptote by evaluating the limit as x approaches infinity:


Thus, the horizontal asymptote is y=1.

Step 7: Evaluate the function at some points
To get a better idea of the graph, we can evaluate the function at a few points:
- f(1)=(1)2(1)2+1=12
- f(1)=1212+1=12
- f(2)=2222+1=45
- f(2)=(2)2(2)2+1=45

Step 8: Sketch the graph
Now, we can sketch the graph based on the information we have:
- The function has a local minimum at (0,0).
- The function approaches y=1 as x approaches ±.
- The function is symmetric about the y-axis since f(x)=f(x).

Final Graph
The graph will start from (0,0), increase to (1,12), and then approach the horizontal asymptote y=1 as x goes to infinity. The same behavior occurs in the negative direction.
