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Draw the following curves :



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To solve the given question, we need to draw two curves based on the equations provided.

Step 1: Analyze the first curve y=||x2|2x3|

1. Simplify the expression:
Since |x2|=x2 for all real x, we can rewrite the equation as:

2. Factor the quadratic:
We need to find the roots of the quadratic equation x22x3=0:
This gives us the roots x=3 and x=1.

3. Determine the intervals:
We will analyze the sign of x22x3 in the intervals determined by the roots:
- For x<1: Choose x=2:
- For 1<x<3: Choose x=0:
- For x>3: Choose x=4:

4. Construct the piecewise function:
Based on the intervals, the piecewise function can be defined as:
- For x<1: y=x22x3
- For 1x3: y=(x22x3)=x2+2x+3
- For x>3: y=x22x3

5. Plot the points:
- At x=1: y=0
- At x=3: y=0

6. Draw the graph:
Plot the points and sketch the curves based on the piecewise function. The graph will have a "V" shape with the vertex at the points where the function changes from positive to negative.

Step 2: Analyze the second curve |x|+|y|=1

1. Identify the quadrants:
The equation |x|+|y|=1 represents a diamond shape centered at the origin. We will analyze it in four quadrants:
- Quadrant I: x0,y0:
x+y=1(Line segment from (0,1) to (1,0))
- Quadrant II: x0,y0:
x+y=1(Line segment from (-1,0) to (0,1))
- Quadrant III: x0,y0:
xy=1(Line segment from (0,-1) to (-1,0))
- Quadrant IV: x0,y0:
xy=1(Line segment from (1,0) to (0,-1))

2. Plot the points:
The vertices of the diamond shape are at:
- (1,0)
- (0,1)
- (1,0)
- (0,1)

3. Draw the graph:
Connect the points to form a diamond shape, which represents the absolute value equation.

Final Graphs
- The first graph is a piecewise function with a "V" shape.
- The second graph is a diamond shape centered at the origin.
