Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Draw a perpendicular to a given line segment though a point K on the line segment .

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To draw a perpendicular to a given line segment through a point K on the line segment, follow these steps:

1. Draw the Line Segment:
- Start by drawing a line segment AB. Mark the point K on this segment.

2. Set the Compass:
- Take a compass and set its width to a length less than half of the line segment AB.

3. Draw Arcs from Point K:
- Place the compass point on K and draw an arc above the line segment.
- Without changing the compass width, draw another arc below the line segment from point K.

4. Mark the Intersections:
- Let the arcs intersect the vertical line above and below the line segment at points P and Q, respectively.

5. Draw the Perpendicular Line:
- Using a ruler, draw a straight line through points P and Q. This line will intersect the line segment AB at point K, forming a perpendicular line.

6. Label the Diagram:
- Label the line segment as AB, the point K on the segment, and the points of intersection P and Q where the arcs meet.
