Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Draw a line segment PQ of length 8.4cm. Draw the perpendicular bisector of this line segment.

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Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Draw the Line Segment PQ
1. Take a ruler and draw a straight line segment of length 8.4 cm.
2. Label the endpoints of the line segment as point P and point Q.

Step 2: Find the Midpoint of PQ
1. To find the midpoint, measure half of the length of PQ. Since the length is 8.4 cm, half of this is 4.2 cm.
2. From point P, measure 4.2 cm towards point Q and mark this point as M. This point M is the midpoint of line segment PQ.

Step 3: Set the Compass Width
1. Take a compass and place the pointed end on point M (the midpoint).
2. Open the compass to a width that is more than half the length of PQ. For example, you can set it to about 5 cm.

Step 4: Draw Arcs Above and Below PQ
1. With the compass set, draw an arc above the line segment PQ.
2. Without changing the compass width, draw another arc below the line segment PQ. Ensure that both arcs intersect.

Step 5: Mark the Intersection Points
1. Label the points where the arcs intersect above and below the line segment as points A and B, respectively.

Step 6: Draw the Perpendicular Bisector
1. Using a ruler, draw a straight line through points A and B. This line is the perpendicular bisector of line segment PQ.

Final Result
You have successfully drawn the line segment PQ of length 8.4 cm and its perpendicular bisector.

