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Draw a line segment AB of length 5 cm using ruler and compass

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To draw a line segment AB of length 5 cm using a ruler and compass, follow these steps:

1. Draw a Base Line:
- Use the ruler to draw a straight line of any length. This will serve as a reference line where you will mark the points A and B.

Hint: Make sure the line is straight and long enough to accommodate the length of 5 cm.

2. Mark the First Point (A):
- Choose a point on the line you just drew. Label this point as A. This will be one endpoint of your line segment.

Hint: You can place point A anywhere along the line, but it’s usually best to start from the left side.

3. Set the Compass:
- Take your compass and adjust it to a width of 5 cm. To do this, place one end of the compass at point A and open it until the other end measures exactly 5 cm on the ruler.

Hint: Ensure that the compass is held firmly while adjusting to maintain the exact measurement.

4. Draw an Arc:
- With the compass set to 5 cm, place the pointed end at point A and draw an arc above or below the line. This arc represents all the points that are 5 cm away from point A.

Hint: Make sure to draw a clear arc so that it can be easily seen where it intersects with the line.

5. Mark the Second Point (B):
- Where the arc intersects the line, mark this point as B. This is your second endpoint of the line segment.

Hint: Ensure that point B is clearly marked and distinguishable from point A.

6. Draw the Line Segment AB:
- Finally, use the ruler to draw a straight line connecting points A and B. This line is the line segment AB of length 5 cm.

Hint: Double-check the measurement with the ruler to confirm that the length of AB is indeed 5 cm.

Final Result:
You have successfully drawn a line segment AB of length 5 cm using a ruler and compass.
