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Discuss continuity of function f(x)=1+limncos2nx. Draw the graph of the function and find the period of the function .

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To discuss the continuity of the function f(x)=1+limncos2nx, we will analyze the limit and the behavior of the function step by step.

Step 1: Analyze the limit
We start by rewriting the limit:
The value of cos2x lies between 0 and 1, since cosx ranges from -1 to 1. Therefore, we can analyze two cases based on the value of cos2x.

Step 2: Case Analysis
1. Case 1: 0cos2x<1

If 0cos2x<1, then as n approaches infinity, cos2nx approaches 0. This is because any fraction raised to an infinite power tends to 0.

2. Case 2: cos2x=1

If cos2x=1, which occurs when cosx=1 (i.e., x=nπ for integer n), then:

Step 3: Define the function based on cases
Based on the above analysis, we can define f(x) as follows:
f(x)={1if cos2x<12if cos2x=1

Step 4: Identify the points where f(x) changes
The function f(x) will equal 2 at points where x=nπ (where n is an integer), and it will equal 1 at all other points. The points x=nπ are isolated points where the function jumps from 1 to 2.

Step 5: Discuss continuity
To check the continuity of f(x):
- At points x=nπ, f(x) is discontinuous because the limit from the left and right does not equal f(nπ) (which is 2).
- At all other points, f(x) is continuous since it remains constant (equal to 1).

Thus, f(x) is discontinuous at x=nπ for all integers n.

Step 6: Graph the function
To graph f(x):
- Plot horizontal lines at y=1 for all x except at x=nπ.
- At x=nπ, plot a point at y=2.
- Use open circles at y=1 at the points x=nπ to indicate discontinuity.

Step 7: Find the period of the function
The function f(x) repeats its values every π units because the cosine function has a period of 2π and the square of cosine has a period of π. Thus, the period of f(x) is:

Summary of the solution:
1. The function f(x) is defined piecewise based on the value of cos2x.
2. It is discontinuous at x=nπ.
3. The graph consists of horizontal lines with jumps at nπ.
4. The period of the function is π.
