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Determine whether the following are perfect squares.

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To determine whether 484 is a perfect square, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Factor the number 484
We need to find the prime factors of 484. We can start by dividing 484 by the smallest prime number, which is 2.

- 484÷2=242
- 242÷2=121

Now, we have 484=2×2×121.

Step 2: Factor 121
Next, we need to factor 121. We can divide 121 by 11, which is a prime number.

- 121÷11=11

So, we have 121=11×11.

Step 3: Combine the factors
Now we can combine all the factors we found:

- 484=2×2×11×11

This can be rewritten as:

- 484=22×112

Step 4: Check for perfect square
A number is a perfect square if all the prime factors have even powers. In our case:

- The power of 2 is 2 (even).
- The power of 11 is 2 (even).

Since both prime factors have even powers, we can conclude that:

- 484=(2×11)2=222

Since we can express 484 as the square of 22, we can say that 484 is a perfect square.

Final Answer
Yes, 484 is a perfect square.

