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Define Gold number.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Gold Number: The Gold number is a quantitative measure that indicates the protective power of a colloid, specifically a lyophilic (solvent-loving) colloid, in stabilizing a lyophobic (solvent-hating) colloid.

2. Understanding Lyophobic and Lyophilic Colloids:
- Lyophobic Colloids: These are colloids that do not have a strong affinity for the solvent and tend to aggregate or precipitate out of the solution. An example is gold sol.
- Lyophilic Colloids: These colloids have a strong affinity for the solvent and can stabilize the dispersion of lyophobic colloids. An example is gelatin.

3. Measurement of Gold Number: The Gold number is defined as the minimum amount of protective colloid (in milligrams) required to prevent the coagulation of 10 mL of a standard gold sol when a certain amount of electrolyte is added.

4. Interpretation of Gold Number Values:
- A smaller Gold number indicates a greater protective power of the colloid. For instance, gelatin has a Gold number ranging from 0.005 to 0.01, indicating it is very effective at protecting lyophobic particles.
- Conversely, a larger Gold number, such as that of starch (20 to 25), indicates a lower protective ability.

5. Conclusion: The Gold number is a crucial parameter in colloid chemistry, reflecting the effectiveness of a protective colloid in stabilizing a lyophobic colloid against coagulation.


Updated on:18/9/2024

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