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Construct any angle using a protractor and then construct a copy of this angle using compass.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

Step 1: Construct an Angle Using a Protractor
1. Draw a Base Line: Start by drawing a horizontal line on your paper. This will be the base of your angle.
2. Place the Protractor: Take a protractor and place it such that the midpoint (the small hole in the center) is exactly on one end of the line you just drew.
3. Mark the Angle: If you want to construct a 90-degree angle, find the 90-degree mark on the protractor. Make a small dot at the 90-degree mark.
4. Draw the Angle: Remove the protractor and draw a straight line from the end of the base line (where the protractor was placed) to the dot you just made. This line forms a 90-degree angle with the base line.

Step 2: Copy the Angle Using a Compass
1. Draw a Line Segment: Start by drawing a line segment (let's call it AB) on your paper. This will be the base for copying the angle.
2. Set the Compass Width: Take your compass and adjust it to a width that is less than the distance between the two lines of the angle you created with the protractor.
3. Draw Arcs from the Angle: Place the compass point on the vertex of the angle (the point where the two lines meet) and draw an arc that intersects both lines of the angle. Mark the points where the arc intersects the lines as points C and D.
4. Transfer the Arc to the New Line: Now, place the compass point on point A (one end of the line segment AB) and draw a similar arc that intersects the line segment AB. Mark this intersection as point E.
5. Match the Arcs: Without changing the compass width, place the compass point on point C and draw an arc. Then, place the compass point on point E and draw another arc. The intersection of these two arcs will give you point F.
6. Draw the New Angle: Draw a line from point A to point F. This line will create an angle that is equal to the original 90-degree angle you constructed with the protractor.

Final Result:
You now have a copy of the 90-degree angle constructed using a compass.

