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Construct a quadrilateral ABCD, when :
AngleA=90, AB=4.6cm,BD=6.4cm,AC=6.0cm,andCD=4.2cm.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To construct the quadrilateral ABCD with the given conditions, follow these steps:

Step-by-Step Construction:

1. Draw Line Segment AB:
- Using a ruler, draw a line segment AB of length 4.6 cm. Label the endpoints as A and B.

2. Construct Angle A:
- At point A, construct a 90-degree angle. To do this, place the compass point at A and draw an arc that intersects line AB. Without changing the compass width, place the compass point at the intersection of the arc and line AB, and draw another arc. Repeat this process from the other intersection point. The two arcs will intersect at a point. Draw a line from point A through this intersection point to form a 90-degree angle.

3. Locate Point D:
- Set your compass to a width of 6.4 cm (the length of diagonal BD). Place the compass point at B and draw an arc above the line segment AB. This arc indicates the possible location of point D.

4. Draw Line Segment AC:
- Set your compass to a width of 6.0 cm (the length of diagonal AC). Place the compass point at A and draw an arc. This arc indicates the possible location of point C.

5. Locate Point C:
- Now, set your compass to a width of 4.2 cm (the length of segment CD). Place the compass point at D and draw an arc. The intersection of this arc with the arc drawn from point A (6.0 cm) will give you point C.

6. Join Points:
- Finally, connect points B to C and C to D with straight lines to complete the quadrilateral ABCD.

Final Check:
- Ensure that all the lengths and angles are as specified: AB = 4.6 cm, AC = 6.0 cm, CD = 4.2 cm, and angle A = 90 degrees.
