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Construct a quadrilateral ABCD in which AB=3.6cm, BC=5.5cm, CD=5cm, B=1250 and C=800.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To construct the quadrilateral ABCD with the given dimensions and angles, follow these steps:

Step-by-Step Construction:

1. Draw Line Segment BC:
- Use a ruler to draw a line segment BC that measures 5.5 cm.

Hint: Start by marking point B and then measure 5.5 cm to mark point C.

2. Construct Angle B:
- At point B, use a protractor to measure and draw an angle of 125 degrees. Place the protractor's center hole at point B, align one side of the protractor with line BC, and mark the 125-degree point.

Hint: Make sure the protractor is aligned correctly with line BC to get an accurate angle.

3. Draw Line BA:
- From point B, draw a straight line through the 125-degree mark to extend it. This line will help locate point A.

Hint: Use a ruler to ensure the line is straight and extends far enough for the next step.

4. Mark Point A:
- With a compass, set the width to 3.6 cm. Place the compass point on B and draw an arc across the line you just drew. This intersection point is point A.

Hint: Ensure your compass is set to exactly 3.6 cm for accuracy.

5. Construct Angle C:
- At point C, use the protractor again to measure and draw an angle of 80 degrees. Place the protractor's center hole at point C, align one side with line BC, and mark the 80-degree point.

Hint: Double-check the angle measurement to ensure it is accurate.

6. Draw Line CD:
- From point C, draw a straight line through the 80-degree mark to extend it. This line will help locate point D.

Hint: Keep the line straight and extend it sufficiently for the next step.

7. Mark Point D:
- With the compass set to 5 cm, place the compass point on C and draw an arc across the line you just drew. This intersection point is point D.

Hint: Make sure your compass is set to exactly 5 cm for accuracy.

8. Join Points A and D:
- Finally, use a ruler to draw a straight line connecting points A and D.

Hint: Ensure that the line is straight and connects both points clearly.

Final Check:
- Verify that all sides and angles are as specified in the problem statement.
