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Consider two functions f(x)=1+ecot2x and g(x)=2|sinx|1+1cos2x1+sin4x.
Statement I The solutions of the equation f(x)=g(x) is given by x=(2n+1)π2,nI.
Statement II If f(x)k and g(x)k (where k R), then solutions of the equation f(x)=g(x) is the solution corresponding to the equation f(x)=k.

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To solve the problem, we need to analyze the two functions given:

1. Function Definitions:
- f(x)=1+ecot2x
- g(x)=2|sinx|1+1cos2x1+sin4x

2. Statement I: The solutions of the equation f(x)=g(x) is given by x=(2n+1)π2 for all nZ.

3. Statement II: If f(x)k and g(x)k (where kR), then the solutions of the equation f(x)=g(x) correspond to the solutions of the equation f(x)=k.

Step 1: Analyze the function f(x)

- The function f(x)=1+ecot2x is always greater than or equal to 1 since ecot2x0.
- As x approaches (2n+1)π2 (where n is an integer), cot2x approaches 0, thus f(x) approaches 2.

Hint for Step 1: Consider the behavior of cot2x near odd multiples of π2.


Step 2: Analyze the function g(x)

- The term 2|sinx|1 is defined when |sinx|12, which occurs at x=nπ±π6 for integers n.
- The term 1cos2x1+sin4x simplifies to 2sin2x1+sin4x, which is always non-negative.

Hint for Step 2: Determine the intervals where g(x) is defined and its maximum/minimum values.


Step 3: Set up the equation f(x)=g(x)

- We need to find x such that 1+ecot2x=2|sinx|1+2sin2x1+sin4x.
- Since f(x) is at least 2 at certain points, we can check if g(x) can also reach 2.

Hint for Step 3: Check specific values of x to see if they satisfy f(x)=g(x).


Step 4: Check specific values of x

- For x=(2n+1)π2:
- cot2x=0 implies f(x)=2.
- sinx=±1 implies g(x)=0+0=0.

- Thus, f(x) and g(x) do not equal at these points, but we need to find other values.

Hint for Step 4: Evaluate f(x) and g(x) at x=nπ or other critical points.


Step 5: Validate Statement II

- If f(x)k and g(x)k, then f(x)=g(x) implies f(x) must equal k at some points.
- This means the solutions to f(x)=g(x) will correspond to the solutions of f(x)=k.

Hint for Step 5: Consider the implications of the inequalities on the solutions of the equations.



- Statement I is not entirely correct as f(x) does not equal g(x) at x=(2n+1)π2.
- Statement II is correct as it logically follows from the definitions of f(x) and g(x).

Final Answer

- Statement I: False
- Statement II: True
