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Consider the function f:(,)(,) defined by f(x)=x2ax+1x2+ax+1,0<a<2, and let g(x)=ex0f'(t)dt1+t2. Which of the following is true? (A) g'(x) is positive on (,0) and negative on (0,) (B) g'(x) is negative on (,0) and positive on (0,) (C) g'(x) changes sign on both (,0) and (0,) (D) g'(x) does not change sign on (,)

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To solve the given problem, we need to analyze the function f(x)=x2ax+1x2+ax+1 and its derivative f(x). We will then evaluate the function g(x)=ex0f(t)1+t2dt to determine the behavior of g(x).

Step 1: Differentiate f(x)

Using the quotient rule, we differentiate f(x):


Step 2: Simplify f(x)

Now, we simplify the numerator:

1. Expand both products:
- First term: (x2+ax+1)(2xa)=2x3+2ax2+2xax2a2xa
- Second term: (x2ax+1)(2x+a)=2x3+ax2+2x2ax2a2xa

2. Combine like terms:
- The 2x3 terms cancel out.
- Combine the x2 terms and x terms.

After simplification, we find:


Step 3: Analyze the sign of f(x)

The denominator (x2+ax+1)2 is always positive. Therefore, the sign of f(x) depends solely on the numerator (4a2)x22a.

1. Set the numerator to zero to find critical points:

2. Determine the sign of f(x):
- For a in the range (0,2):
- If 4a2>0 (which is true for a>12), then f(x) is positive for x>2a4a2 and negative for x<2a4a2.

Step 4: Analyze g(x)

We have:


1. For x<0:
- ex<1 implies f(ex)<0 (since ex is in the negative region for f).
- Therefore, g(x)<0.

2. For x>0:
- ex>1 implies f(ex)>0 (since ex is in the positive region for f).
- Therefore, g(x)>0.


From our analysis, we conclude that:

- g(x) is negative on (,0) and positive on (0,).

Thus, the correct answer is:

(B) g(x) is negative on (,0) and positive on (0,).
