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Comparison of fractions Arrange the fraction 1718,3136,4345,5960in ascending order

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To arrange the fractions 1718,3136,4345,5960 in ascending order, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Denominators
The denominators of the given fractions are:
- 18 from 1718
- 36 from 3136
- 45 from 4345
- 60 from 5960

Step 2: Find the LCM of the Denominators
To compare the fractions, we need a common denominator. We will find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of the denominators 18,36,45, and 60.

- Prime factorization:
- 18=2×32
- 36=22×32
- 45=32×5
- 60=22×3×5

Taking the highest power of each prime:
- 22 (from 36 and 60)
- 32 (from 18,36, and 45)
- 51 (from 45 and 60)

Thus, the LCM is:

Step 3: Convert Each Fraction to Have the Common Denominator
Now we will convert each fraction to have a denominator of 180:

1. For 1718:

2. For 3136:

3. For 4345:

4. For 5960:

Step 4: Compare the Numerators
Now we will compare the fractions based on their numerators:
- 155180
- 170180
- 172180
- 177180

Step 5: Arrange in Ascending Order
The order of the fractions based on the numerators is:
1. 155180 (which corresponds to 3136)
2. 170180 (which corresponds to 1718)
3. 172180 (which corresponds to 4345)
4. 177180 (which corresponds to 5960)

Thus, the fractions in ascending order are:
