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Assertion: Let A={x:x is a prime number and x<30}.Then the number of different rational numbers, whose numerator and denominator belong to A is 93. Reason: pq is a rational number ,q0 and p,qεZ (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true R is not the correct explanation of A (C) A is true but R is false. (D) A is false but R is true.

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To solve the given problem, we need to analyze the assertion and reason provided in the question step by step.

Step 1: Identify the Set A
The assertion states that A={x:x is a prime number and x<30}.

The prime numbers less than 30 are:
- 2
- 3
- 5
- 7
- 11
- 13
- 17
- 19
- 23
- 29

Thus, the set A consists of 10 elements:

Step 2: Count the Elements in Set A
The cardinality of set A is:

Step 3: Determine the Number of Different Rational Numbers
We need to find the number of different rational numbers pq where both p and q belong to set A and q0.

1. Choosing Numerator and Denominator:
- We can choose p and q from the 10 elements in set A.
- The total number of ways to select two elements (numerator and denominator) from set A is 10×10=100 since both p and q can be any of the 10 primes.

2. Excluding Invalid Cases:
- The only invalid case is when q=0, but since all elements in A are prime and greater than 0, this condition is automatically satisfied.
- However, we need to consider the case where p=q (which would give us the rational number 1). There are 10 such cases (2/2, 3/3, ..., 29/29).

3. Counting Unique Rational Numbers:
- For each pair (p,q) where pq, we can form two distinct rational numbers: pq and qp.
- The number of ways to choose two different primes from 10 is given by (102)=45.
- Therefore, the number of distinct rational numbers from different pairs is 2×45=90.
- Adding the 10 cases where p=q (which all equal 1), we get:

Step 4: Conclusion on Assertion and Reason
- The assertion claims there are 93 different rational numbers, which we calculated to be 91. Hence, the assertion is false.
- The reason states that p/q is a rational number and q0, which is true but does not explain the assertion correctly.

Final Answer
The correct option is (D): A is false but R is true.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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