Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Arrange the followng in ascending order:
63495, 63147, 63785, 636464, 637412

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Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:63,147;63,495;63,785,6,36,464;6,37,412

To arrange the numbers 63495, 63147, 63785, 636464, and 637412 in ascending order, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the number of digits in each number.
- 63495 has 5 digits.
- 63147 has 5 digits.
- 63785 has 5 digits.
- 636464 has 6 digits.
- 637412 has 6 digits.

Hint: Count the digits in each number to determine their size.

Step 2: Compare the 5-digit numbers first.
The 5-digit numbers are:
- 63495
- 63147
- 63785

We will compare these numbers to find the smallest:
- Compare 63147 and 63495: 63147 is smaller.
- Compare 63147 and 63785: 63147 is still smaller.
- Now compare 63495 and 63785: 63495 is smaller.

So, the smallest 5-digit number is 63147, followed by 63495, and then 63785.

Hint: Start with the smallest number and compare each subsequent number to find the order.

Step 3: Compare the 6-digit numbers.
The 6-digit numbers are:
- 636464
- 637412

We will compare these numbers:
- Compare 636464 and 637412: 636464 is smaller.

So, the smallest 6-digit number is 636464, followed by 637412.

Hint: When comparing numbers with the same number of digits, start from the leftmost digit and move right until you find a difference.

Step 4: Combine the ordered numbers.
Now we can combine the ordered numbers from both groups:
- From the 5-digit numbers: 63147, 63495, 63785
- From the 6-digit numbers: 636464, 637412

Putting them together in ascending order, we have:
63147, 63495, 63785, 636464, 637412

Final Answer:
The numbers arranged in ascending order are:
63147, 63495, 63785, 636464, 637412
