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Arrange the following fractions in ascending order:
(i) 38,56,68,24,13 (ii) 46,38,612,516

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To arrange the given fractions in ascending order, we will follow these steps for both parts of the question.

Part (i): Arrange 38,56,68,24,13

Step 1: Identify the denominators.
The denominators are 8, 6, 8, 4, and 3.

Step 2: Find the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators.
- The prime factors of 8 are \(2^3\).
- The prime factors of 6 are \(2^1 \times 3^1\).
- The prime factors of 4 are \(2^2\).
- The prime factors of 3 are \(3^1\).

The LCM is calculated as follows:
- Take the highest power of each prime factor:
- For 2: \(2^3\)
- For 3: \(3^1\)

Thus, LCM = \(2^3 \times 3^1 = 8 \times 3 = 24\).

Step 3: Convert each fraction to have the LCM as the denominator.
- \(3/8 = (3 \times 3)/(8 \times 3) = 9/24\)
- \(5/6 = (5 \times 4)/(6 \times 4) = 20/24\)
- \(6/8 = (6 \times 3)/(8 \times 3) = 18/24\)
- \(2/4 = (2 \times 6)/(4 \times 6) = 12/24\)
- \(1/3 = (1 \times 8)/(3 \times 8) = 8/24\)

Step 4: List the converted fractions.
Now we have:
- \(9/24\)
- \(20/24\)
- \(18/24\)
- \(12/24\)
- \(8/24\)

Step 5: Arrange the fractions in ascending order.
- \(8/24 < 9/24 < 12/24 < 18/24 < 20/24\)

Step 6: Write the original fractions in ascending order.
- \(1/3 < 3/8 < 2/4 < 6/8 < 5/6\)

Final Answer for Part (i):
Ascending order: \(1/3, 3/8, 2/4, 6/8, 5/6\)


Part (ii): Arrange 46,38,612,516

Step 1: Identify the denominators.
The denominators are 6, 8, 12, and 16.

Step 2: Find the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators.
- The prime factors of 6 are \(2^1 \times 3^1\).
- The prime factors of 8 are \(2^3\).
- The prime factors of 12 are \(2^2 \times 3^1\).
- The prime factors of 16 are \(2^4\).

The LCM is calculated as follows:
- For 2: \(2^4\)
- For 3: \(3^1\)

Thus, LCM = \(2^4 \times 3^1 = 16 \times 3 = 48\).

Step 3: Convert each fraction to have the LCM as the denominator.
- \(4/6 = (4 \times 8)/(6 \times 8) = 32/48\)
- \(3/8 = (3 \times 6)/(8 \times 6) = 18/48\)
- \(6/12 = (6 \times 4)/(12 \times 4) = 24/48\)
- \(5/16 = (5 \times 3)/(16 \times 3) = 15/48\)

Step 4: List the converted fractions.
Now we have:
- \(32/48\)
- \(18/48\)
- \(24/48\)
- \(15/48\)

Step 5: Arrange the fractions in ascending order.
- \(15/48 < 18/48 < 24/48 < 32/48\)

Step 6: Write the original fractions in ascending order.
- \(5/16 < 3/8 < 6/12 < 4/6\)

Final Answer for Part (ii):
Ascending order: \(5/16, 3/8, 6/12, 4/6\)

